Friday, October 14, 2005

Looks DO matter - even for kids

Do looks matter, even for kids? Should we consider surgery in kids to improve on their looks?
Just ask any person with bat ears, adult or child, how they endured all the teasing while growing up. All because their ears look different from others.

A simple surgical procedure is all it takes, to transform a child's life. In bat ears, the cartilage that forms the majority of the shape of the ear (conchal cartilage), is flat and not bent backwards, resulting in a flat and featureless ear, just like a bat's. Surgery to correct bat ears involve an incision at the back of the ear, and sculpturing the cartilage and fixing it in such a way as to pin the prominent ear back. It needs surgery because some permanence is required (cartilage has "memory" - it may sometimes spring back)

This ear pin-back operation, or otoplasty, should be done as soon as the kid is conscious of it before he goes to school. It can also be done in adult-hood.

Undergoing plastic surgery should not be misconstrued as indulging in a frivolous luxury. Just ask any kid (or for that matter, any adult), with bat ears.